

3D Multifunctional Steam Cabin

3D Multifunctional Steam Cabin
Product Profile

Product functions:

Moxibustion health care, sweat steaming health care, infrared physiotherapy

Product features:

9 moxibustion boxes, 81 acupoint holes, 36 infrared physiotherapy lamps;

The structure of the cabin body, the perfect preservation of moxa drugs are absorbed by the human body acupoints and pores;

Intelligent control system, easy to understand the operation;

Cabin color: Off-white/pink available

Optional: Moxibustion bed

The whole is divided into three sections, can be freely contracted and extended, convenient storage;

Moxibustion boxes can be dispersed or concentrated according to their own needs, and the parts of moxibustion needed can be better treated, improved or health care.

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